Sunday, March 6, 2011

Need To Focus On Work

I'm pretty much too uncomfortable with doing a certain job which I was thinking about getting into. I really wouldn't mind driving a truck around for fun, but I really can't think about doing it for the long haul. I'm just too afraid of getting in a major accident and stressing out so much over driving on slippery roads. I'm also afraid of getting too lonely from being on the road so much. After all, truck driving isn't really for everyone- it would pretty much be a major challenge to me which is also what is exciting to me.

The jobs that I think are so right for me are the ones that I wouldn't mind volunteering for. However, I'm currently down about 40 K in debt from having tried to do several home businesses. The latest one I'm doing has brought in some profit and has been going pretty good so far. I'm not sure if the profit is going to last which is what is worrying me right now.

The only thing I can really do right now for work is two different things on this computer. I would have to focus on my health too so I would need to exercise and take a few breaks. I would pretty much like to find a full time job to have an added cushion on top of doing my business, in case it crashes, which would be really hard for me to find. I wonder if I can find something where I can work right away. I have some history of paid work, which is probably where I could start looking at for some jobs. If I can't succeed in the full time job, I'm pretty much going to have do some independent contracting which would stink but at least it would bring in something to help with some cash flow I desperately need right now.