Thursday, March 31, 2011

Becoming Healed To Go Back To Working

It seems like the environment has started heating up a bit, and I thought I was getting used to the cold already. Oh well, it looks like it's not really going to change my preferences with how I like to exercise outdoors. I have a job offer coming my way which really will encompass what I trained myself for. My ultimate goal for a career is to become a game programmer now; my parents are actually okay with it because I went to school to practically learn to be able to do anything on a computer.

I'm pretty much a big computer enthusiast that I could just take endless courses on anything dealing with computers and keep up with it- including all of the business and technical sides to it. Since I've finally understood which part I would be most happy for earning a living, I might as well go that direction now. At first, I lost some confidence in myself because I just couldn't keep track of time and my commitments; despite this heavy interest I have with computers. I guess my giving side wants to take over from time to time too and also get a little occupied with having some fun companionship.

In the back of my head, I've always felt like how I've wanted to be out there with a good, stable income that comes from being happy about what I'm doing. Running a personal business on the side is actually helping me to manage profits and develop better tools to conduct it better, along with gaining some discipline. The only thing I would feel like I have to sacrifice the greatest to work at a company is the amount of time I have to work out whenever I want to. I'm also seeing that my mind isn't so occupied on entertaining myself anymore- like, I don't really need to see any amount of television when I'm having fun reading up on Yahoo! News and Wikipedia articles already. I guess to take care of the lack of workout schedule for myself, I would just need to get a gym membership if it's going to be too dark to run around a park. Actually, inviting some friends over for tennis and basketball during the weekends could be a fun idea. I think there are a lot of ways to getting around with lack of cash and plenty of gas your buddies and yourself can muster up.