Monday, March 21, 2011

Need To Plan Wisely

I believe that timing is everything when it comes to earning a living. I mean for example, it's just obvious that people wake up at a certain time and then appear at work and then go home and earn a paycheck after working Monday through Friday and sometimes do a little overtime. For myself, I don't really have to do this type of routine because I have my own business that's profiting pretty well but it comes with its risks which is what probably offsets just about everybody from trying it out in the first place.

The job I do is exciting and has its rewards and lots of benefits attached to it, along with saying that I'm a business owner. However, time management is pretty tough for me. I guess I used to want to think of work as being a socializing place, but it's really not supposed to be and can be a very cold and boring place. This one weird girl said that she wanted to be an executive with her own private office and desk- I can see how that really wouldn't have a lot of socializing going on and I thought women like socializing in general haha.  This girl is that Annie Tran on my weird people list, but slowly and surely, I really want to stop writing about those weird people on the 10 man maximum list haha and let them live their own lives.

Unfortunately, I have to "X" out the part where a workplace is about mainly socializing but the reason for any business running in general is to pretty much make a comfortable earnings. After work, that's pretty much where the fun could be, so I can see that and having a good social network of friends could be beneficial instead of letting work being like a playground and gamble with losing the job. Since life is what you really make of it, I've found something that I really like doing even though it's extremely difficult to pick up on at the start and finding that those skills I learn at this job will pretty much be a lifelong investment and something I can take with me to even teaching my kids' great grandchildren haha. I could create my personal family manual on how to build wealth and pass it down to generations and then maybe if one of them sells out then another genius in the family would have to make it better haha.

Yeah, all of that funny, cool, and wild stuff to do comes with having money which I hate to say and also some of that money can be really used for contributing to society. I might make it a rule in the handbook to donate something by maybe saying that there's a tax deductible plan or something like that and be so convincing on how it's a must to be successful haha. I don't know how many people in this civilization really can develop this discipline of managing wealth, but it surely would mean they are a special breed for getting started on that road.