Friday, March 18, 2011

Nuclear Reactor Scare

One thing that my mom is pretty good at is paying attention to some eye-grabbing useful news. If some people haven't known already or took seriously like me at first, at least one of Japan's nuclear facilities exploded and has caused fear of radiation poisoning among the inhabitants who live there. Radiation poisoning is not something to take very lightly because it includes the symptoms that came after the atom bomb during World War II. It looks like the 8.9 earthquake and tsunami caused some of those facilities to become unstable that people around a 80 km radius had to be evacuated.

Because of states being on the other coast of Japan, it's been advised that people who are living near the Pacific Ocean, especially in the state of California, should keep their windows closed as a precaution until scientists can give word that the environment is safe again. I briefly had to think to myself- what if these explosions were to trigger the poisoning of the Earth's atmosphere and we couldn't live anymore on the Earth's surface? I was worrying a little about humanity coming to an end like this, so I would concur that it's the right thing to really help clean up and rebuild Japan in the meantime. 

A friend who is a dedicated believer of Christ and has a wife working on an autobiographical book about how they met told me that we could be living in end times. I, myself, had to take a moment to embrace the possibility of this outcome. I really would like to spend some time praying for those affected in Japan. I mean to say that I grew up with some antagonistic blood against the Japanese because of the history of torture and oppression they put my parent's homeland into. Even though I was born in the States, I still have some nationalistic blood for Korea and hope that the North and South will eventually come to a resolve and unify- I'm more geared toward the South right now though. Another cool thing was that there's this new video game that features a unified Korea battling the U.S. on a hypothetical World War III haha. I have an idea myself too since I'm into the gaming business- I want to create a World War III game based off of Israel and Palestinians battling each other. Even though I would personally support Israel on the context of espousing the Old Testament, I might just leave it to the imagination and hopefully it would be a fun game to play in general. It would be interesting to see how the religious terrorists play a role- maybe I would just set them up to be a common enemy?