Monday, October 21, 2013

Toughening Up Feelings

Now, I'm just writing anything on this blog that I feel is appropriate, and it's like the words are just flowing more smoothly. I've always thought of adding pictures but that just feels so personal to put on this blog. I don't really feel right about publishing my own personal photos anymore, and I don't even want to reveal every private thing going on in my life. Nonetheless with the things I write, I do give off clues.

I hope that my endeavors on Facebook or anything I just write in the future would do its intended purpose which is just to bring positive smiles. I'm honored for the little guy that I am and the weird person I am who doesn't get the recognition he doesn't deserve, I'm just another statistic.

It's hard cold reality; very few people if they are there really do care and those people who do care, I'm actually very bad with them. I'm really lagging behind with my time. Those people are also like the most important to me too.