Monday, November 25, 2013

Reorganizing My Life Around

Over the last years, I was pretty much wallowing over making a mistake that haunted me. I've been a hit and miss type of person, and it suddenly dawned on me that I let go of some pretty good opportunities. Now, I see a larger room of opportunities from having moved on from those negative feelings. I do feel short and feel regretful from being 5' 3". It's short, even though I've seen shorter people be more successful than me and it's not just limited to other girls, there are guys shorter than me who have actually done pretty well for themselves. One guy who comes to my mind is J.P. Morgan- he was a meager 5' 1" Caucasian! Now I think being white and short is a lot more difficult to cope with than being Asian and where I'm at in how I can seriously scare a whole church congregation into calling the cops on me, while they have nothing against me too!

My writer's block was like this depressing thought of how short I am and how I can't get out of this predicament even though I was hit on by some girls at the time from being pretty good looking still. It was depressing with the thought of being short even though I wrestled with taller males and made them cry when I was a boy. It was so depressing that I was still sad when I grew taller than my mom and my little sister ended up staying super short when she fully grew up.

Oh well, it's a part of me that makes me feel always sad but I'm not relying on those feelings anymore and not letting it affect me from how I live my life now. I've dated a pretty ugly but taller taller female. I've also gone out with a rare good looking girl whose taller than me too. I've even exchanged numbers with girls who stood about my height and just a little taller than me. I don't know why I still have this height complex but I seriously don't show it when others mock my height just for fun. I'm sort of not minding the short jokes with me so much now and I'm also looking pretty stable underneath more. I don't have a problem with being a giving person, so that might be my main reason why I might not have a serious inferiority complex.