Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Knowing What Immature From Mature Is

I'm just showing off with this post. I'm an adult now and I can discern what's politically appropriate, just like anybody else can. It feels good in general, well, not really. It's all just a natural part of being just well - it's just like being an "I am" therefore I think-type of deal.

I really don't know where I'm going with this post. I thought I try out something random, but I'm trying to push a different direction because I feel obligated to catch up with my posts. I'm on a good start because last month I completed 31 posts, which averages out to just 1 post everyday on this blog. Yeah, now that's really something isn't it? Okay, it's not really spectacular or anything, but at least it makes me feel good right? Okay, I'm like half-asleep while I'm writing this so I can't even move my imaginary muscles of my head to make myself think that I'm laughing. Pretty weird isn't it?