Sunday, February 28, 2016

Pretty Fortunate

I think of the Lord's goodness, my upbringing isn't really something where I take a lot of pleasure from taking advantage of others or doing something extremely amoral. I really enjoy being a moral person, and I sort of have my dad to thank for that.

The way I see it now is that it's really a lot about hard work and just continuing to move forward and maybe, someday, your day will come. Things don't always seem so fair and now after all that I've been through, I really think continuing to play video games and watching television for entertainment is just depressing.

It's probably better to hang out with somebody, work out, or even do a fun hobby like singing and playing the piano. I'm not going to make it such a big deal anymore with this whole being lonely or depressed thing. The mind is a terrible thing to waste and trying to be an upbeat person is really hard work in general for me!