Thursday, March 15, 2018

Not Jealous At All

For all the happy people in this world and from actually being used to desiring sexual relations all the time but still committing to being a celibate, I'm not jealous at all for all those happy couples out there because I'm all for them! This is really good in a way because it's good to get all this out of my system. I also need to start concentrating better, so I will be doing that now. It's actually really cool with the job that I have going and to be able to figure things out.

There's a lot of sweet opportunities right now for me and a door has just started to open from having put in work for all these years and still standing. I'm very fortunate that the things I have dealt with in working with dumb people is that it isn't that serious and those individuals I disturbed very heavily are terrified of me! Guess what? I'm only 5 feet 3 and one-half inches. I'm a guy too and I weigh about 155 pounds and no more than 165 at any given time. The fact that I can scare taller ladies often like Lee who was dumb with me is interesting, and I don't mind talking about that to joke about it if I ever she her weird face again. I'm only saying it's going to be funny looking at how weird she looks from looking at her shocked face with me! Okay, I don't expect Lee to be around Hope of God Church in Los Angeles after all these years. I wouldn't even be surprised if someone paid to have that building demolished by a construction company and taken over by a businessman. Actually that location sucks to do business as well, so I think no one will want to buy it and probably for the reasons of being religious purposes and them being classified as slightly liberal for their Christian denomination (Pentecostal), I can see how there may be enough donations around to keep them modest.

This is really fun with me blowing my honest tongue around and it's basically funny turning them into the butt of my truthful jokes. I'm being blunt about all of this and laughing at the same time so it feels great while relaxing all this tension of personal hatred against them. I forgave Lee for her lack of concern for me because she didn't want to make it a big deal but became an idiot by going after a restraining order which fell out. She's really dumb for having done that because she can't deny it from being on record, and I can make some aggressive moves at this point to which it would make her run away from the conflict and not respond like a normal human.

It all comes down to one thing. I made a promise with God to be a millionaire and get a six pack before I go show off at that church! I'm going to be like I don't care and I did this to hold on to my oath. I make it well known on this blog and to the few friends who have laughed at the oath I swore with God. Until I have acquired those things for myself, I can't go see how messed up Hope of God Church in Los Angeles turned out.