Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Strong Dedication to Living for the Lord

I believe there's really nothing more powerful than coming to a faith-based relationship with God. Surely, finding this peaceful rest out of joys from being in the Word and to live it out with certainty and stay in worship of the Lord fulfills purpose. The Bible mentions about God being the author and finisher of our faith.

Just by turning over things that annoy me daily to the Lord, I'm able to find this spiritual courage to keep on going and work hard to earn a decent living. I'm crediting all of my diligence with being productive in the work force to God!  I'm really excited to be set free over my misery to being bonded by something silly like a crazy girl named Lee trying to force me to stay out of her church permanently. It didn't work for her, and I even managed to put up one of those rare reviews too about Hope of God Church in Los Angeles and it's a one star negative review. I think Oyuri tried to get my review banned but it managed to stay on there. I even chose the laugh vote for all the others that sounded positive. Lee and Oyuri even took down their profile pictures too, so it looks like they were brought to shame from supporting what's now a lost cause!

Looking back, Lee and Oyuri really didn't have a stable mind while thinking I was crazy. However, it went away from them and they were wrong. Oh how glad I am that they were wrong. My abilities must have some potential if they were willing to take it that far with me in trying to get me to stay kicked out of their church.

Maybe this could have even been an attack by one of the devil's minions! Here I am still- a Christ-centered believer and still feeling I could keep growing stronger from staying in the Word.  From those two greatest commandments in the Bible, I can see that Lee and Oyuri didn't really live up to them with me. Their failure is common like mine; they probably thought it was too little to take seriously, but asking myself if they were being loving towards me over this incident and their actions, then no they fell short. They transgressed against God, and I don't really know if Oyuri is even a Christian at this point. They will have their moment with God someday, but for now, I choose to forgive and think things will be alright for them.

I think Lee for the better part was a misguided sheep, but was trying to mean well. She was just bad though and that annoyed me like crazy too, but I never really did take it out on her in person. I sent her some truthful messages that were filled with my frustrations and ridicule and it felt good. It did help block out my anger issues for awhile and had me personally laughing at her in private. Yet, I feel compelled to still love her and that's how it's going to be. It's all because of my faith in living for Christ. I'm not chasing after Lee's hand in marriage though and maybe, another dumb guy already beat me to it already. I don't know what's so attractive about Lee honestly, except for her sounding annoying and pretentious at times. It's okay because she's just nice in a weird way with her eccentric church doctrine that really can contradict Scriptures as well. I don't think she really knows the Bible along with her pastor there because they acted like they knew enough about it and that's when the red flag sets itself up to begin with.