Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Praying to Jesus About Everything!

Well, all my stupid thoughts included and concerns and anything that just tests my patience while I'm feeling charged up and very angry, I tried talking to Jesus about all of that this morning while driving to work. It felt good actually, and I learned something really important from tuning into the radio, I should be learning about what a godly woman truly is! Is she going to be sexy and into sex?

I really have no clue but according to my walk with Jesus and this is funny, I should be looking for a godly woman if I still can't help minding my own business to put myself out there and flirt with fine looking young women! On the other hand, my spiritual job should be about being a godly man. Now that gets an amen from all those lovely Christian ladies out there!

Putting things into perspective, I don't feel ready to search for this future hot momma. Thinking about a woman who I treat as my sister and analyzing about what makes her a wonderful being, she was at the time being a godly woman. I put myself aside from not being ready and I think Chris was just being a dumb person with an inferiority complex and so irritated and just messed up individual that I could have beat him up and he would still be in denial! If I had done that to poor Chris there, then I would be lost at my own wit's end in what to do with Judy in general! Therefore, Chris being a stupid man did something right for once by taking Judy for a wife. Amen!

I had to filter out some weird and twisted sexual imagination that scared the living daylights out of me when it came to fantasizing what having kids would be like with Judy, so yeah, I'm glad I didn't pursue it and looks like, it's a comfortable and lovely thing Chris and Judy could have going if they keep working on themselves for a godly marriage. Being a godly man is a lot harder than I can imagine that I can't even commit to saying I'm going to be godly everyday!

I can commit to being a celibate everyday and also not cussing but being godly (?) - that is definitely no way hoosiers. It's not that sad because I'm writing this being about honoring Jesus and I will pray and ahh, hopefully I don't get testy and start writing a lot of statements where the other person will just go quiet with me. It happens all the time for me.