Thursday, January 9, 2020

Back To Business

I went back to review a lot of the things I wrote and it looks good, but not really anything to gain popularity with. Everyone has their own problems to deal with already and probably don't want to let themselves get distracted because of giving me some attention. I'm just not that lucky in this fashion, but what I could do now is still reach for the stars and obtain it much to the ire of others who wouldn't want me to. It really doesn't matter what they are thinking though because it's really going to have no legal effect on me with my plans and how I carry it out. 

I'm basically justifying here that there's really no longer any worries about those naysayers or fools in my life. The most important thing to me is that they are not setting me off, and I'm still open to hearing them out whenever because I can handle it and still able to give them plenty of smart rebuttals whenever I want to. I think this is why everyone who turned against me and even know someone who did don't really want to stand in my way and are just letting me be myself now.

The crazy part about all of this to me is that my personality is really a type and I fit inside that box almost perfectly comparing myself to what the experts came up with! Without mentioning my age right now, when I read up on the Chinese Zodiac animal chart about myself,  it was uncanny how a lot of it related to myself. I was born in the year of the water pigs! 

I don't know if some authors are updating their description about water pigs from reading about my life here, which I'm very open to sharing right now. Yeah, but at least I do believe that I have a major struggle with what water pigs are supposed to do, which is always working hard and moving up the ladder. I find myself to take my time in this area, even though I'll always stay serious about it. It's probably a normal trait anyway for people to be lazy because there will never be too many superstars out there!