Monday, January 6, 2020

Getting It Together

The way I'm starting to see it is that, it's just not really going to matter in how my stress level is. It's going to have its highs and lows no matter what I do. I might as well just go after continuing to maintain personal confidence and working on my plans with my free time. 

This is going to be really difficult, but I'm going to try to keep on working on myself. It looks like I'm taking a friendship with my asexual partner very seriously too, so I'm trying to take good care of myself and have a decent style. She told me the other day that I'm a good catch and will make someone feel really lucky someday. I think I'm pretty happy with how our open relationship is since her asexuality would be a deal breaker by technicality. I'm just sticking around since I like having fun with someone who feels like a close family member.