Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Years Day

Wow, by the time this post comes around, we're set for a brand new year! As a kid, I remember I used to get some money from my grandparents and relatives. I would just bow to them while wishing them a Happy New Years and then get some tip from them. I always looked forward to this day because I saw so many practical things I could do with the money given to me. I would consider things to buy and a lot of this stuff while I was still a kid!

Flash forward, I see there's more meaning in being part of a family. I'm really close to a lady and her siblings now and they like to include me in their vacations. We're not seeing each other even though I consider her to be my open, asexual partner. The deal breaker for me is just that she's asexual and even justifies it by her actions. She has the gift of being single because she was just born with an infirmity that makes her focus on herself more and the well-being of her family. I am part of her family now too, and she cares about me finding a normal girl to marry so she's been trying to introduce me to her best friends who are single. 

I guess I can look on the bright side with how I have her and that she can make herself look attractive to me. It's just because of her sexuality that I can't really take the relationship any higher. I'm also making the conjecture that if she wasn't asexual then she would still be in a happy relationship right now but it appears that she might not have found the right partner for her yet. I think I'm the closest one for her at this point, just that I'm not really interested. It's pretty much an open relationship between us two. We're both okay with us seeing other people, but we'll be together to do fun platonic things, travel, and hang out while bonding.