Saturday, January 11, 2020

Things To Work On

I think everyday can almost be like forming a New Years resolution for me. Reflecting on how I did last year with my blog posts, I managed to be consistent for once and finally managed to get all the posts to match the number of days per month. 

This year, I actually have some help from G-mail scheduling to stick my posts everyday at exactly 8:00 am PST. It's like I don't really need to limit myself to just writing like five times a day and then cooling off. I can just write whenever I want to and cool off as I would like. By habit, I'm writing about twice a day to make it convenient for me in getting to my goal of averaging just once a day! It's pretty cool how even technology can make it so convenient with working some magic.

In terms of being a professional writer, I would need a lot of the training to make myself one and don't really desire it either. I'm just doing all of this to have fun with myself. What's so nice about having this anonymous blog is that there is some accountability for me. For starters, I want to conduct myself nicely even if I can force my way into a legal loophole to start bashing people I hate and offending them like crazy, if they ever decided to read it!

I'm going to still work on exercising self-control here and being aware of my emotions and keeping them naturally in check. It was even hard for me to open up about my amorous (sexual) feelings on here! In a sense now, I think I can see myself being like a brother to my asexual partner too. I'm starting to understand her M.O. after all this time of being around her. I think she wants to like nice and really chill people who are into her and have some sort of polyamorous-like relationships with them just that it won't ever get into the sex part. She is open to dating and possibly kissing someone she finds worthwhile and probably doesn't see it as sexual and something people do at clubs while drunk to have fun. I don't go around doing that and so we won't be officially getting together anytime soon. I'm not even parading this thought around others, but she is sort of like my girlfriend. I don't act like a boyfriend around her and just trying to be encouraging while hoping underneath she will no longer be asexual. 

I think we just have our moments with complementing each other, while I hold back amorous feelings and regularly checking her out. I don't really think she has much to offer right now for me, so I'm glad I left it into something like an open relationship between us.