Saturday, January 18, 2020

Reflecting On My Faith

I don't really know where my faith in Jesus according to Scriptures really fits. One of the most popular verses in the Bible is John 3:16 which is cited from my memory, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." This is pretty much the gospel summed up in one sentence and was stated by Jesus himself! 

There's this Church of Christ thing going around which doesn't even mention that verse because it might confuse others with their belief of how you must be baptized in water to have forgiveness of sins. I honestly don't get how an earthly, abundant, and natural resource like water would even have so much profound meaning to a spiritual being like God that He would want it to be almost worshipped. It's really the Creator who should be worshipped over the creation and calls for it with the First Commandment of the Bible. The Creator and His Son are One and the same because only the Creator would be able to do that and the Son said to just focus on him to be saved and forgiven of all sins!  

Yet, it really comes down to some programming of their brains with these divisions I guess and accepting whatever brings them comfort, no matter how odd it may be to someone else. I politely disagree with this whole mentality of being saved by water from Church of Christ, so I won't be attending their Bible school anytime soon! In the meantime though, I should probably get baptized in Jerusalem which would be so cool since I don't remember my baby baptism.