Friday, January 31, 2020

Pretty Gross Topic

There's a friend and she's my asexual partner/ adopted sister/ friend/ half girlfriend etc. I sort of have these unexplained feelings of wanting to kiss her sometimes! I think it's gross to want to kiss your own sister, so along those lines, I have felt that way with my little sister before. It's possibly from just my hormones and being straight in general like an animal! 

I don't have any real justified means to give into those urges, so I just never bring it up with them and feel weird while they are talking to me and until it goes away. There's this normal girl my asexual girlfriend is trying to partner me up with now. She really doesn't feel like I could just be friends with her for some reason. It's like a do-or-die situation with her; I'm either dating her or just leaving her alone. 

With my asexual girlfriend, I'm cool with just being friends and hanging out and her calling me a bro which bothers me a little bit, so I'm going to get it out of my system by calling her my sister! I do think we have a very fun and special bond. If she was a true Christian and didn't call herself an asexual, then I would be trying to win her over so I could nail her plenty in marriage. That might be a little too much to say, so to say it in more proper terms; she would be the complete package for me if only she had those two things for me. Other than that, she's my asexual girlfriend who I call my very own sister. 

I guess this just means that I'm pretty much in control with these raging hormones underneath and never going to be a rapist because I want to enjoy the moment where my beautiful lady has the hots for me and is someone I'm actually married to. The main part of doing this is because of my life changing belief in Christ. There's really nothing else to it, and I'm not ashamed of my faith in him.