Thursday, January 23, 2020

Feeling A Little Dry

I'm starting to feel a lot better with knowing what my priorities are. I think the main point was that the big things for my life is really about making money and trying to settle down with a single and hot lady who wants to have a lot of sex with me in marriage. I'm smiling while writing about this now, but when I go back to read it again, it really doesn't tickle my funny bone that much. I know that's just how it is, but there is that cheeky humor I have come to notice on a few of my posts, personally. 

I'm just feeling a lot more comfortable with myself, since I don't have much concern drawn by others with how I've figured out my life to live. Mainly, I think I've been pressuring myself from trying to make the little things in my life to be more bigger than they really should be. They are nice to have though certainly, but not really that necessary for me. 

I'm starting to do all the necessities that I feel are good for me now, except for committing myself to trying to program everyday so far. It's still something I know that I really like doing especially when it gets to the end game. From the way I'm seeing it, it's really just researching and looking for information and then just testing to see how it works while putting it all together. It's like sorting and organizing complicated pieces of code and thought processes that go into creating a logical thing that feels like a work of art!  Yeah, I enjoy it so I guess this is like my blue collar job for me even though it can pay nice dividends if I end up becoming really popular with consumers. Mainly, I'm just looking to have fun while doing things that I enjoy for making a living. I intend to spend time on a lot of different hobbies too, so I want to maximize the effort I put into making money.