Sunday, January 5, 2020

Dealing With Boredom At Work

I have been getting a lot of downtime at work here. I'm occasionally needed for doing a job to help accelerate some inspection and shipping of products but other than that, I'm just sitting around here all day while being paid a decent amount to not do much. I do provide some value to this company from understanding their ERP (enterprise resources planning) software and even able to develop features or fix bugs on it.  

I guess I'm about just riding on getting really good with my swing trading on currency and slowly developing my skills as a software developer. I want to be engaged in all parts of software development and have a keen interest for it. I think I want to go into my own personal business with it and not really look to get hired by anyone. I would rather be the boss. Still, if my skills are really nice then I could be a valuable asset for a company that needs me, in case I need some steady income to keep myself going.  

I think the boredom is going to stick around, regardless of what I go after so might as well try to make the most out of my time by grinding it out to become a better developer. I could focus on generous things I want to do for others and make those plans. I also have this blog to write in for whenever I would like to clear up my distracted mind.