Thursday, January 16, 2020

Making Proper Coping Strategy

What I'm feeling underneath is this pressure of feeling a little stressed out. I want to do all I can to avoid it, but it always keeps on lingering. I just need to identify it, and it's also something I want to get myself out of while putting myself to work on doing great things. 

I need to stop tensing up and just be happy constantly while developing a satisfying work routine. Becoming so technical with my craft is probably going to be only limited to the few and brave. I think I'll be happy as long as I'm continuing to grow and experiencing a good level of success so I can enjoy my life more. For me, it doesn't matter so much if someone has more than me. I just want to have the abundance to be truly happy, and I'm willing to put in some work for it as long as I can while feeling good about myself.

I'm starting to see that possibly with my mind wandering off, it's because I enjoy doing so but then I can feel a little agitated so it's back to putting myself on survival mode. One way, I have been lectured on to deal with this uneasiness is to take deep breaths which will in turn activate the creativity area of the brain. 

I think the rough formula I have for living my life right now is identifying whether my thoughts and feelings I'm going through are good or bad and then taking deep breaths if I'm stressed to put my conscience back in good order and then realizing what I should be doing. In summary, it's identify good or bad, deep breaths if bad, reflect, and then put into action what should be done if desired.