Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Living A Simple Existence

I guess with whatever interests me and the time permits me to, I'm just going to go after it. I'm mainly talking about attending meetups with people. I'm not going to be so picky about being around nice looking ladies and just being able to say one word to them while shaking hands and move forward. When I talk about my short height as a short coming, it does make some girls laugh for all I care. Some ladies tell me it doesn't matter, so maybe that means they can see some good in me and accept me for who I am. 

For my own mental health, I really don't care that much with being a shorty a lot more than I used to. It would be fun to try to still make myself grow more without opting in on any surgery. That's just way extreme for me to go to lengths with boosting my self esteem. I don't think I would feel better with myself if I unnaturally forced myself to get bigger. I think it would be more fulfilling if I put work into it, so I learned about some growing taller stretches even if it gets dismissed by most out of skepticism. It's pretty hard to maintain a schedule of working on it though- that's for sure. 

I used to feel like I was losing a lot of heart underneath and having a hard time. Those feelings have managed to pass around a corner for me now.