Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Committing For Great Things

This is going to sound a little silly, but I think it takes a little work sometimes to go about with finding some fun business. It's not always going to feel like a beautiful walk in the park and especially from being so sleepy most of the time. Well, I guess if you love what you are doing, then essentially it is always going to be a great feeling when you get yourself going.  

It's a little nuts in that with my focusing prowess, I just have to will myself and stay positive about it. I have been used to getting good results while being stressed that I felt like I was always living at the edge of my maximum potential. It wasn't a great feeling for me. It's mainly the attitude I had adopted starting as a kid. When I was a kid, I always competed and struggled to stay on top of my classmates while balancing out with how much fun I had from binge watching TV shows and playing video games. I even searched long and hard back in those days and gave my precious time to go download those things, so I could enjoy those short moments of having so much fun. 

In a way, I guess from my life experience; it's going to take some work sometimes to find that glory you are so craving for. It's amazing with how this might all play out with being a calling from God as well. Obviously, God is good and just and all the time, He is good! This just means all those terrible sins are a no-go, so nothing in our wildest imaginations to satisfy our selfish and wicked urges is pleasing to God. God can forgive and forget from being this ultimate loving Creator but no, God doesn't want anybody to sin. To reason with finding exceptions, those are lies told by the great enemy!