Friday, February 7, 2020

Working Through The Details

It really feels like I'm all about preparation right now with doing my thing. I'm incredibly lucky with the position I'm at right now because it was a lot harder in the past from feeling like I was in survival mode all the time. It was stressful and tough to deal with. My mentality has managed to progress into a more lovely effort to continuously thrive.

I'm trying to balance out making a living, working out, cooking, socializing and other fun things, and finding girls to ask out for fun now. I've been rejected already several times, so I don't care anymore but I'm not going to ask out some random chick without getting a feel for who she is and if I want to partner up. I'm just looking for the best out there for me and willing to wait because I have plenty of things to keep myself occupied. 

It's also sad, but I do have the Internet with pornographic material to stimulate me without masturbating properly! I swore an oath to God to never do that while single, so I think I'm going to marry a woman who isn't a swinger so it's bye-bye porn for me. Hopefully, she's a very sexually-spirited partner and down whenever I'm ready for it. I'll probably have to make myself more attractive to give her extra persuasiveness like making myself rich to support a lot of kids and keeping around a healthy figure that still has some sexy moves to pleasure her with wholesome fun to go along with it. 

Yeah, I don't think I care that much about the body becoming so old and crusty and still staying active. If she's going to be my only sexual partner, then I might as well find one who will always be into it whenever and I'm visually stimulated by her enough and fall in love which I know will then keep me attracted to her for the rest of my life.