Sunday, February 2, 2020

Game Plan With Dating Best Women

I'm pretty much looking to approach it while being friends close as possible so I can get to know enough about her personality. I just care about one thing in that she's a nice person. Next, she can't be too fat for me and I have to feel some sort of attraction to her. It's pretty difficult since I would feel free in my reign if I had more money and living away from my parents. Even though I pay some kind of rent to live in their gorgeous home that they have already paid off, it's pretty embarrassing.

I'm just going to have to do the best I can and just take a guess if I think she can find me attractive and just ask her out. If she says no, then I'm not going to stress about it. It's easier said than done but I can be really humble about it, since I don't find myself that sexy anyway. I'll do the best I can to keep on improving myself, but never get over myself even if I'm so lucky to land a super hot lady who is sweet and ends up really loving me for a boyfriend. 

My criteria is pretty simple in that she can't be asexual and is straight to begin with, while being good looking enough and has a good personality. I'll be happy with this, so I'll be patient and look for any kind of opening with ladies I find attractive. They also can't be taken, which unfortunately might happen for me the majority of the time. I guess it's easier to think about what could have been if she's with someone rather than just hanging out with her and not feeling that connected.