Thursday, February 6, 2020

Figuring Out How To Live

Right now, I think my main goal is to get married to the best girl out there God has to offer. I do have an asexual partner somewhat who I'm not official with, but I think she's an extraordinary person with a beautiful personality and she does have a nice bosom too but that feature comes and goes with me in thinking how attractive she is. She also has a comes-and-goes pretty face for me too.

Overall though, I think she would be my match made from heaven if she wasn't so neurotic that she is committed to staying an asexual for the rest of my life. Other than that, she calls me an older brother and I respond to that by calling her a little sister. She's my best pal out all of the ladies I know and wants to keep this relationship alive because it could mean so much more later down the road. I'm down to stick around and hang out while visiting even when we both become out-of-state soon. 

I've learned to just practically not be dependent on my results now and to just keep on plowing through like how a salesman does it. It's not that bad when your confidence is running very high.