Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Committing To The Plan

Right now, I guess I feel the most motivated to keep on growing to reach financial independence and so I can finally move out of my parent's home and go do something better. By having financial independence, I won't feel so bad about marrying someone out of my race if it happens and needing to ask my parents for anything especially money. I believe that my parents are very ethnocentric and even though I'm open to marrying someone in my race, I don't believe it's the right view so I'm willing to work on myself to reach this independent level even if my personal happiness is being sacrificed. 

In a way, I still honor my parent's belief system but I don't see it as being anything that bad to go against even if it offends them so might as well focus on challenging myself to get to this point. I think I'm also open to not having kids either anyway, but still want to sign up for having a great sex life in marriage or until I get bored about it. I'm not sure I ever will but it would be interesting to find out and then to have a great companion in the form of spouse to go wherever the road leads to.

It really comes down to just finding the right person and taking my time for me. I have been putting in a lot of work on myself without paying for a therapist, so I'm pretty lucky that I can be very introspective and open about it.