Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Finding Lack of Correlation

Nowadays, I don't think the level of naughtiness that I put on here really has anything to deal with me seeing cops that day. I guess I'm just more sensitive about what I put on this blog. Two people did claim I'm some sort of terrorist after going crazy from what I texted them. One guy is more settled in and acting a lot more chill with me even though he put a restraining order on me. He ended up hugging me too when I met him, so it's hard not to laugh about it and keep any grudges with him. He's acting more sane but yeah, he was crazy and is more nicer with me now. I guess he's fine even though he's still mad underneath and feeling bad about what he did to me. It was fun to let things go and I guess parting ways peacefully and on friendly terms is better. I'm still the same old cool and crazy cat!