Friday, May 8, 2020

Things To Adjust In

Well, I guess it's not incredibly healthy to drive while sleepy and I did chew gum while driving to work really early in the morning. I think I'll just have to sleep a little earlier this time. I have been watching this cool anime, and I'm not sure I should share my entertainment values on this blog right now. The show is about this boy who ends up falling for a weird and cute chick who was born through aliens and has the same exact DNA has humans. She can even marry and give birth to regular humans and her purpose was to be like an ambassador or spy for her kind, even though her knowledge of whereabouts was completely wiped at birth. 

Pretty interesting dynamic because the creators made this chick to be a really nice person in the show! What's so interesting about the show, is that it explores the philosophy of existentialism while being entertaining. Another theme is having conflicted conscience from being ordered to do something and then wanting to atone for it. I guess overall, no matter how entertaining it is and knowing where my heart's at right now, I just really want to be of help really to others with places that nobody really can see and is so individualized that it's like small and won't ever be noticed by anyone except for the person you helped and then maybe he or she will end up forgetting about you later, but I'm not in it for any reward because of just who I am. Maybe, I just like being this hero who never gets any credit and being so influential and helpful to friends.