Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Current Schedule Update

Right now, I'm having fun at home with playing this really addictive video game and it's just a simulation one. It's starting to get a little boring from being so repetitive now but it is fun doing the building and designing parts of it. It's a very stimulating and artistic game. It's like I can leave whenever I want to and pick up again just like real life so it's convenient to strive to play while satisfying some of my inner ambitions while having fun. 

I guess it's not really a bad thing then until I start getting really bored of it and then I'll come up with something else to do. I think I just need to give myself a gentle nudge with the things that I would like to do because it's so easy for me to start another personal complex. Mainly, I've learned that being assertive is really helpful and calling anything crazy that pretty much makes me mad keeps me from staying mad because I feel pity while being assertive right after labeling them that word. I think my parents are crazy, but they seem to not be confrontational so much with me anymore. I also think a manager at work is really crazy so I don't resent him for making me do something that he would be too old, impatient, and lazy to complete by himself! I actually take upon it as a job and something you have to do to help keep the vessel running, so no offense really taken with that crazy old man.