Monday, May 25, 2020

Starting to Understand What I Need to Do

It looks like my trading style is starting to be effective and for the last two months, I pretty much let it go on its own for days without bothering to check it. Now I'm realizing as a swing trader, it would be effective if I looked to enter and close trades once in the morning and evening each. 

My online Poker playing skills are gradually getting to its goal and it's been fun so far. I still have quite a ways to go but I'm making progress with it as well. I think I seriously do have a side business that's in progress and will be something that I eventually engage in. My business is basically making money by outsmarting opponents in a fair exchange online. 

It looks like I'm starting to get bored with playing Animal Crossing now, so I can lay off of it more and do something that would be better for me. I do think cooking, working out, and trying to plan for things will be nice additions with what how I've been living so far.