Thursday, May 21, 2020

Subtle Changes

Today, it looks I'm really in the mood for doing some self-improvement work. This whole auto-suggestion thing powered by Google is pretty nice. I am practically writing an e-mail to myself and scheduling it to send on a certain day at the same time. This is how I'm giving the illusion that I'm posting everyday at the same time and might feel like it's never-ending so it's a freak of nature! 

Plus, doing all of this is fun and free so can't go wrong with that. Sure, I might have a decent amount of knowledge to put up a site and start blogging about things I know really well about but I prefer to not make money off of this right now. I just like this whole staying under the covers type of deal and to be someone's right hand man that he or she can look up to. Probably more like guys will relate to me really well and show some support while backing away from any type of conflict with me. These guys are gentlemen ladies! 

I ended up digressing for fun even though I wasn't really in the mood so it's like I snapped out of that rut and went into entertainment mode for myself! I don't really mind picking up on readers and just leaving it there because that's what I'm really trying to go for.