Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Utilizing Personal Time Properly

Honestly, I don't think I really have time to fuss around so much during the weekends anymore. I should really be engaged in having fun while doing something that's productive. This would make such an awesome hobby. I guess watching TV episodes would really be a waste of time after doing it for a while, even though there are so many who are entertained by it. 

I don't really want to live such an empty life anymore so this is where my confidence building has really played a large role for me. I want to do things that are fun and keep it honest. I really need to catch up and have fun with things in life while keeping at it with doing the more important things. 

I think moving out on my own is really going to be beneficial for me now. I want to add in a disciple of cooking and exercising regularly as well. I think the whole making money thing while investing has been an ingenious move for me to not feel any guilt at all with doing these side things for fulfillment.