Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fun to Imagine Interpersonal Battles

The approach I'm going to be using is direct verbal contact instead of anything physical. I'm going to be just straight-forward and pick apart my opponents while telling them I don't care what they put me through and that I'll still be their friend in the end. I strongly believe that it's a winning artform in verbal sparring. I might enjoy some colorful choice of words and occasionally raising the voice, but other than that the most essential part of my art is that I will stay a friend while being careful about detecting my opponent's stupidity and not being keen on taking any of their advice. I will also be making a lot of honest comparisons between us that favor me more, of course!

In the end, I'm looking to make these continuously entertaining confrontations and inspire others to always interact nicely with each other and positively to make the world a better place. I'm doing this only for honor like a knight would and always has a big place in my heart.