Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Keeping Diligence With Focus

I know now what I want to do to keep myself occupied. I'm totally accepting and have embraced any possibilities of things not going my way. I'm still going to be happy in the Lord regardless of whatever happens to me. 

I have learned to be grounded and it's just a matter of time before I get somewhere. It really looks like I have a shot with women who are around my height or slightly taller than me and they don't come across as too crazy to the point that I worked at a romantic possibility. It's really about how well a man can carry himself sometimes and that's where I've been headed. I'm a pretty rare individual living in this world. There aren't too many people out there who are in a position like I am and focusing collectively on the same things. I'm my own person and have different advantages despite being short in appearance. 

It doesn't really bother me anymore nor it shouldn't whenever I feel a little sorrowful. I should be working hard with the inward things more while doing the best I can to look good on the outside. I don't need to feel any personal insecurities anymore and conduct myself with plenty of self-confidence while being a man who is happy to worship the Lord in his heart daily.