Saturday, November 27, 2021

Things I'm Working on

I think I've really figured out my type of girl that I'm really looking forward to marrying someday. The main thing is that I want her to have a nice personality and have enough to make me want to get intimate with her regularly. I can't find any other honest way of saying it properly!  I'm not really going to stay disappointed either if I get turned down for any reason. I believe there's already enough out there to try pursuing. Overall, I think this is just natural and comes from God. 

One of the Christian girls I used to write to ended up sounding weird with me. She said that we're going to be leaving this Earth anyway so it doesn't matter what we accomplish in the end. What she learned was probably just a hyperbole supported by a Bible verse but instead, God still has His plan for us while we are living in this world. It's already been said that all things work according to His goodness. It could be a coincidence but I think deep down inside she's been associating herself around ignorant believers with negative energy. I probably made her feel really dumb and offended with my response, which I intended as a joke because I was always trying to get her to laugh and she never showed any signs of doing that while I was trying to bug her with messages. She wasn't ever able to get me in trouble either and prefers shutting herself off right now.
I like to think outside the box and be successful with it, but it isn't easy to come by often. I think my main goals may really be in line with the Lord's plans since the Bible also talks about them without mentioning them to be sins. It's also naturally who I am as a person, as I am living my life based on the level of faith I have in Jesus.