Tuesday, November 23, 2021

It's Really All in the Attitude

What I'm noticing for myself is that having a positive disposition in life helps a lot with personal confidence. I think a friend who I haven't spoken to in a while thinks he's always a little better than everyone else so ends up acting reckless with pursuing his dreams. What makes it even harder to relate to him is that he's also very shy about making a move on girls even though there's really nothing physically wrong with him. He talks about how he doesn't want to raise any kids, but wants to be with his soulmate at the same time. This type of negativity has been irritating me for some time. He isn't mentally fit enough for me anymore to be one of my closest confidants even though I've known him the longest from high school. 

For myself, I have tried and realized that in the online dating pool, my dating profile just doesn't interest the ladies I want to try being with in general. Studying the numbers, it has added up for me. 

Single ladies in general are insecure about dating short guys. There are only a handful in this world who are very secure about themselves and don't mind dating short men. From my experience though, I have some luck with dating mainly girls around my equal height. They don't seem to mind staring into my handsome face most of the time! I can't reach these girls online either, since I know they are already in demand with normal guys. I have to physically meet them in person to make the attraction count. This isn't really my preference most of the time, but I can also have dates with ladies who are slightly taller than me because I do have enough manly features. I just need to muster plenty of confidence and like them enough already before I try asking them out.