Monday, November 23, 2009

Giving It All

Let's see if I can push myself to greater lengths right now. I sort of talk to myself a lot sometimes. I must be really sorting through some emotions with myself right now. I'm trying to let go of my frustrations. I'm not really trying to destroy people's reputations at the same time. There is a dilemma in the works that I'm creating. It looks like I need to really push myself and that things may go over the edge for me. I'm not enjoying my life because of these frustrations that feel like it has invaded my life. I'm still functioning okay and capable of working and then improving. There must have been something that went wrong which I was unable to catch. I don't think it's fully my responsibility but rather on the consensus of the majority. This is where it can get conceivably really tricky. Might as well just be fully honest about it after I've repented of my personal sins. I pretty much have done that, and I hope the Lord will assist me in following through to keeping my personal desire of resisting temptation and not making the same sins again.