Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Been An Interesting Journey

I think I'm sort of living with new ideals. I'm realizing that my temptations are pretty strong and by repetitiously overcoming them, I am becoming stronger. Haha. I'm just a typical guy, but have been characterized as being sensitive even with the most rudest person on the planet with me. It's sometimes going to have be my little sister. Hehe.

I'm sort of laughing at the thought of being intimate with some people because they are giving me a hard time and feel really harassed when I try to talk to them about it. I think the best solution is to talk with them while others are around and then answer the questions of others who are trying to get me to stop. By voicing my concerns which I can obviously do in a unique way, they pretty much just stop because they might feel a little weird about telling me to stop in general. I guess they could be the ones who go through issues that are a little weirder than I thought. There's absolutely nothing wrong about being vocal and strong about it and then trying to correct one another. It's annoying sometimes, but it's a part of being human. It's best to try to forget about everything, and in my case right now I'm going for making some better changes. It's not really like the way it was before. I'm starting to understand this stuff, mechanics, how it keeps my mind healthy, and really punishes the soul of the real perpetrator. It's at a less degree but it's pretty fun to be weird and left alone by others sometimes. Best thing is to forget about it and do what you can because you don't know what's going to happen. I now have a vision to follow for these little things and then to build it to bigger things.