Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Disciplining the Mind

It's really important to be able to discipline the mind. I guess I have to really stress it now because I understand that being able to be disciplined or get to a somewhat decent level of it will seriously help make life a lot more exciting. I think discipline is related to commitment, so in a way it's really about doing something pretty long term. Therefore, in an economic fashion having discipline over not trying to err with making money will contribute to making profit.

My life is about to get really crazy in the stuff I'm going to be doing to make a living. I seriously can see how exciting it's going to be for me and that it could really be useful in getting pretty decent dates too if I wasn't already married haha. My friend has told me that I look the part in that I have a successful image if I wear a suit, so I guess a short guy like me might fare okay with gigantic women. Not my initial cup of tea, but okay, my point is that I think I'll be okay with satisfying my wife for the days that are to come ahead of us.

There's a lot of things out there that people don't really know about in general because they are probably not really open to it or maybe, they just don't really care about too much and are happy where they are at. I guess I just have this ambition to do something really exciting and just let it pack in with a multiple degree to receive utmost satisfaction in the present. I think it just means I was happy yesterday and am satisfied right now and will be tomorrow. It's just pretty stable, and I'm doing this while not stepping on anybody's toes. If people are willing to get to that exciting point of their life, and they just want to take that extra step and they get it done then I feel really happy for them. I'm just trying to live a full life right now and report on some findings that's going to contribute to personal growth. If others can take something from what I'm dishing out because I just want to give it to others freely, then I'm happy if they make profit in something I gave for free.