Thursday, August 4, 2011

Man, I'm Prepared For Life

Wherever I want to stick my nose into and whatever situation I'm dealing with, it doesn't matter how people behave with me because eventually I'm going to get what I want out of them. After all, all the significant people who counted the most never really did anything harmful to me anyway. Living in a pretty democratic state of California, a lot of weird stuff can happen to people anyway and it just goes to show that some people can't be pleased no matter what they ask you to do for them, so you sometimes need to take charge and inform them what would be best for them and to be patient with them in a loving sense. After all, their initial responses may be vile but when you take some time out with them and just do your thing with some form of love, then they all are going to recant what they feel about you while others see them as really bad people. This is only if you apply ethics very properly and seriously have the right convictions at the right moment of space and time. I seem to have a knack for this, when I'm backed up a wall or like a wounded tiger. This is something that I have to thank God for personally because all the situations I've been in have turned out to be quite fortuitous on my end by trying to wholeheartedly adhere to the uncompromising principles found in the Holy Bible.

On a technical basis, I've never really been sued for any resources nor been convicted and fingerprinted at a police station, so I've been really lucky in that sense. I'm like one of those people who get really close to being in deep trouble sometimes, but then I manage to find my way out of it and still become a very happy camper. I guess the moments of time where I feel disconcerting about stuff and then just make a decisive act on a whiff of confidence, more often than not, I catch my selfish pretenses sometimes and the other person doesn't seem to notice them; furthermore, putting myself in self-adjustment mode, if I make a really horrible mistake which I feel apprehensive about and not really show it to the person I'm dealing with, it becomes dismissed but I wouldn't try to rely on this on a regular basis. Sometimes, being quirky is needed to be successful at something, but then again, make sure it's playing for all the marbles and that it will makes others and yourself happy around you. You'll make some fans, if you can get to that level of focus and dedication with just about anything.  However, my hope is that it's not something illicit that the person ends up doing.

It's probably best to steer clear of unnecessary, dissenting people who try to mess up your chi even if the person is your own parent. What's important is to have an unwavering mind with what you want to commit yourself to and no matter how foolish it appears to others, it's what your intent is as long as it's purely good (and yes, it exists under everybody's noses) and that how others put these negative thoughts on you and waste their time thinking and talking about you in the weirdest sense. They really can't do much to you if you think about it, and seriously having stronger words to counter them and having more stronger feelings by how you act with them to potentially hurt them will really deter them from anything with you. Don't be fearful of some people, who really aren't that close to you anyway. However, I'm someone to be feared in a good way, so if you're going out to pursue or do some hunting like players do, be sure to wise up on some street smarts and to have some enjoyment out of it because a lot of people are going to need to be schooled and be sure to give them a little knack of love to avoid any shoot-outs like that are found in some action movies. Keep it peaceful, incredibly smart and sexy, and productive- I'm actually at this point of stage in my life that I am doing this already. It doesn't matter if you or me are not that good looking or incredibly short or even weigh a ton while sitting on a wheelchair- you can still act and do something that is really sexy. The opposition can't hold me down; whatever they throw at me isn't going to work. They are forced to abdicate their high horse.