Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trying To Help

In life, I guess it's good for a person to be sort of smart. Sometimes, things may get uncomfortable and some individuals will want to run away from stuff. In these moments that I see in others, I am reminded of how I need to stay committed with something by pondering on my intentions. If I stick to something that is good no matter how hard it feels for me, then in the end it's going to pay off. I now know this part dealing with my life and feel that I don't need to seek any additional guidance or counseling anytime soon with others. Studying the Bible and applying its principles is absolutely different from seeking out a psychologist and even some church goers have issues with others by thinking they need help from a person rather than relying on their faith to see how God could be working for the man or woman the person is going against. Therefore, these church goers really have a weak foundation in worshiping the Lord even though they claim to have a relationship with Him, and these people annoy the heck out of others and keep people from attending their church!

It's not about how difficult or how much a person is struggling with obtaining something. It's about how much the person wants it and is willing to put in, even if he or she ends up feeling contrite. These church goers I affiliated with were pretty much jerks from figuratively drowning in their aqueduct; because I have actually forced their awesome disdain away from me, it's just to say that it may be impossible for some people but the human heart is still capable of beating hard and conquering these annoyances! I did deal with a highly unresponsive woman one time who I guess ended up liking me and would always smile while we hung out and she ended up driving me to places. Wow, I guess I could have called her my girlfriend but I ultimately didn't really try anything. Having a resilient attitude and covering up some personal weaknesses will seriously take a person a long way- sometimes being reticent is the best solution.

If a person is going to be talkative about his situation, then I guess it's good for him to speak about it; no matter how annoying it is for someone who doesn't want to deal with what he's saying or even remotely have any interest in helping. I guess in those instances the person should just say that he wants to help out the individual he's talking to and just let loose like a cannon, but keep it honest because dishonesty will suck in the end. I guess there's a way to hold back on some things by trying to work hard at not being angry no matter how bad the situation gets- it doesn't mean this is becoming a liar. There may also be a lot of pressure underneath from feeling shy about interacting. All of these things are normal and can be conquered eventually. Making some people angry and forcing them to wallow about it is all fun sometimes but keep it to a minimal level and be sure to have a really lucid agenda and don't make too many compromises or become so wish-washy all of a sudden; these are weaknesses that a person can display sometimes, and I love taking advantage of it when it happens.