Monday, August 22, 2011

How To Be Issued Passport In Three Days

Today was a pretty tiresome morning because I woke up really early and drove my mom and me to go get ourselves a passport. It looks like the U.S. Passport Center in Los Angeles is really busy because it claims to issue 2,000 passports everyday! I really don't like L.A. traffic because we were still thirty minutes late to our appointment, but fortunately our waiting period was only about an hour so the lines do move rather rapidly. The only way to be able to access this place is to call up an automated 24 hour telephone service and make an appointment while having the applications already filled out, along with a travel itinerary that shows you would need a passport two weeks before departure or for a visa. It's very important to bring the confirmation number because security will check it. Therefore, we'll be receiving our passport in the next three business days which is fast!

Driving really left me beat, so when I got back I slept really well and woke up just now. A job fair is being hosted right near Knott's Berry Farm by a U.S. House of Representative this Wednesday, and when I checked up on the companies rolling by, it looks like jobs that have openings and would be stable are listed. If one wants to check up on it, the website to go to is -
I'll see if I can make it.

I've learned something valuable from today's mess. Life is sometimes delayed like driving on a crowded traffic near downtown L.A. and getting killed for being late to work if one has a job over there. It's a really screwed up world sometimes because I was in a bad mood for being late to our appointment. I don't ever want to be late again and be like one of the first people to be serviced when I arrive to finish some important business now. Therefore, being prepared and getting things done that are necessary really efficiently will promote enjoying time to do other stuff. This is something I'm going to try to apply now.