Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I think I've really figured out something that could be revolutionary for me. It's been underneath my nose all this time; I'm just going to reveal it because I figure others could try it out if they ever get a chance to and be really successful at whatever they want. I believe that people can sometimes have something I would like to call natural pressure build up from whatever it is- like feeling pressured to find a suitable partner to marry from feeling lonely or just worrying about being inadequate with something.

With this energy, it's very powerful actually and can actually seriously influence a person to do something that makes him or her human. It's like automatic shutdown with any regards to the world and going through with an action without ever looking back at it. I'm sure if we can look deeply enough with ourselves, we can discern this part of ourselves. The end result can sometimes feel horrific like a dramatic act just came out of the person leaving him or her feel penitent about what he or she did but having trouble leaving it behind because it's like an addiction.

This negative energy is something we can come to appreciate about ourselves and use to our advantage in a healthy way. I believe what I'm trying to touch upon is very complicated and advanced material that really taps into the personal psyche. It's just so ground-breaking for me right now because I see how to use it. It's like going to leave us feeling so vulnerable at that moment, and if we choose to stick to something that benefits ourselves then while on the go, we're going to build up more positive things as we go. It pretty much comes from struggling with the will of the mind- from having this dark side that we want to succumb to but we decide to still stay positive and diligent about something; it's hard but I know that it feels rewarding to stay on a proper path that's being laid out ahead now. It's called dedication and, it's great to have this real energy to challenge ourselves daily and that we can use this fond appreciation to understand that we want to give more time to achieve something greater than us. It's just being incredibly patient while feeling like the insides are just going to explode from feeling so much pain; however, through this energy, if we can claw our way out daily and put it into something we want to be a part of then we'll find ourselves getting somewhere and maybe even find the other few good men out there to associate with us.