Monday, August 15, 2011

Ideas Using Money

There's a lot of stuff penurious people can dream of doing when they have money. I'm just generalizing about this one, but I guess it's safe to assume it's a fact. How many people would honestly raise their hands, if a person asked if he wants to make a million? Some would, which is fair enough- what about a billion? I would laugh really out loud and raise my hand nice and high. Okay, I would think about how selfish I am and donate all of it- yeah, for real because it's imaginative money. Imaginative money is easy come and go, right?

I declare that my thinking of invisible money is visible and that I donate all of it to the people right now, but they have to work at their jobs to get to access to this real money. I'm really trying to brainstorm something right now. What an idiot, I have been- I've been playing on a fake roulette table with this online casino all morning long because I thought I could break the casino with it. How wrong I was.

Okay, I actually don't know for sure if I would make a lot of money by using this strategy that I read up online. I'm not really going to say what it is because I don't want another guy like my friend to not want to listen to me anymore because he "allegedly" lost $6000 because of me when I told him my strategy. I guess it's not good to write it out and then get bashed by a lot of rich people calling me idiot or dummy or stupid or anything profane because these rich people trusted me and formed a mob on this blog by calling me some insane names.