Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Full Crazy Story Part 1 of Who Knows?

I'm going to create like a short mini-series with this posting effect I do. It's obviously not that elaborate and eloquent as an author who puts a lot of time into writing a decent book, but for the purposes of finding myself, I have decided to go full out with my details and keep it as accurate as possible. I'm not really under any scrutiny for pointing out the truth so I'll consider myself fortunate. I'm also going to try to cover as much as possible before the crazy opposition decides to go mad and hire an assassin or something to get rid of me!

At the time, I was highly distressed because I was worried about a lot of things and frustrated that the most significant people in my life at that moment of time were acting so obstinate with me and not catching my drift. A woman who I do not want to really think of that fondly, Cynthia Kwok told me that I was going to end up laughing about the whole situation and that I needed to be more covert and prudent in my dealings. She was also complaining about how she didn't want to get involved with the situation.

The whole time hearing about how people didn't want to get involved with me when I just intended on talking to gain some intel out of just wanting honest details about the situation and actually someone to reason with was pretty frustrating. Why go to a psychologist when I could get that for free from people who claim they can help you with it. Obviously, now that I think of it, I think they were just messed up in the head or something because they didn't know how to listen to my heart. They were just exaggerating something that wasn't really a big deal.

The more I think about the crazy events in a fully objective manner, the more I really want to laugh about the situation now. I'm going to try to sum it all up in a few sentences which might need some revising but my intention isn't to leave anything out that I can remember now. I don't even care if it looks bad on me now because I'm laughing about the crazy situation I was put into. From what Carlos Julio Rojas told me one time, he said that I had no permission to talk with others about some issues he had because he demanded his privacy. Okay, so he was doing some bad things and his response is basically, "I don't care." He's quite a character now that I think of it- he just laughs at stuff that people he has an opposition with who have a hard time over something and tries to force it to get there when people he sides with go against the person he wants to challenge- I guess he doesn't mind being an add-on to someone he confides in when it comes to bullying others. When he doesn't get the good day he was looking for, he just ignores it and just keeps on saying "I don't care" until the moment arrives for him to start laughing really hard about stuff that I don't even understand and can relate to. If his full intent like that can annoy people very highly and I'm not really affected by it anymore and can smile while he's going on his stupid rant, then I guess I've come a long ways.

The whole situation started out with me trying to write to everybody very openly. I was basically trying to tell jokes or get some satisfaction out of a very quiet and closed circle. I just kept on e-mailing them and then one time, I think I wrote something indirectly related to procreation of humans and then it caused like a frenzy in the group. This group is actually real and they were telling me that I was going to cause them to end their group based on this e-mail and because I was continually trying to communicate to two women in ways they didn't want me to, which was through electronic communication. Chris Kuch told me "Don't use electronic communication" over and over again. I have used this form of electronic communication through messaging in Facebook and when Chris Kuch was mentioning I was making others uncomfortable about it, well then, he must have inadvertently tried to bully me around or something. If I have someone I can open my mouth to and thank goodness, I don't need to resort to just one psychologist, then I guess if it's not my intention to make someone uncomfortable then it's also in my power to make them feel insulted if I want to through text messaging!

I was really sensitized for awhile when I received a note from court (very true statement) that said that I had to work with Washington Chun at a minimum of zero yards! Keeping in mind the number zero yards, Washington intended on reverting to his old foolish and angry ways to retaliate on me by intending on making it a restraining order. The last time I checked, a restraining order is used to keep someone away and not give him or her permission to professionally solicit him at work with zero yards; that would mean I could have wiped his desk and checked for any cocaine deposits or something while I was standing right next to him at his cubicle!

Basically, Washington's restraining order turned out to be a pain because the judge pointed out it was too ridicuolous to even remove it because there was no significance out of it when I tried to plea my case. I now understand the lack of significance because I actually managed to obtain a profession without any problems and because it doesn't count as a felony. By mentioning this whole restraining order thing to the Hope of God Church in Los Angeles especially Lee, she ended up writing this paper of rules to live by and begged me to do it for three months. What's so wrong for me to not do it for three months when I would potentially be able to do it for a long time afterwards? I don't really see the logic behind their crazy disciplining action with me.

I sort of feel bad but I think when a guy is dealing with females, sometimes, it wouldn't be right without involving some feelings. Basically, I tried to force myself to flirt with Betty Lam but I was so mad about feeling physically attracted to Annie Tran. I really tried to deal with it so I created a poem that bagged on their looks. It stirred up an even more outrageous and over-reacting amount of fury from Golf [-ffffff]. Trying to talk about this made Bae and Pastor Chai and all the nicest people who I thought were get all crazy with me and starting yelling at me.

It gets even more crazier because it seemed like Lee wanted to involve herself with me and seemed to express some deep feelings with me. She said that she loved me and that I was struggling with finding the right mate to procreate with. It was pretty negative but I can see how she might have showed some interest with me in that way, but I don't really like her.

Basically this whole event ended up with me getting hand cuffed by police and sitting in the back seat. I never saw a jail cell and the police man was harrassing me by telling me that I was going to a mental hospital. He told me that if I ever came back then he would give me a can of whoop A! I guess I won't be seeing that cop around again because I defeated his poor attitude and I heard from Carlos Julio Rojas that the cop admitted to losing his patience with me.

It also ended up with me not defending my restraining order case against Lee. I also ended up getting a female lawyer who was probably more of a flirt with me then of a professional help. It was a waste of $1000 out of my dad's pocket! Honestly, I was thinking about exaggerating the situation but my mom was with me so I couldn't try to hug Lee and kiss her on the cheek and run away laughing saying something like she'll never have me as a husband.

Basically Lee's defense was bringing over Betty Lam- the woman who I tried to force myself to flirt with. Secondly, Annie Tran seemed to show some amiable feelings towards me; I guess I'm that good enough to do it even though I'm pretty short for being a guy. Annie was with Lee too at the court house and also the pastor. I think I heard Annie look towards my direction and go "Awwwww."

Lee basically started yelling in court and looked like she was in a very moody state- it's times like these that some guys believe she's going through some nasty period! I was pretty much victimized over something insignicant and part of living life. I've had so much fun recalling all these events even though it was painful. My restraining order ends with Lee next January 1st- her intent was to keep me away from her visually seeing me offending her from communicating with Betty in person at her church. Lee's thought was that I was offending Betty and was trying to put an intervention or something. Lee also felt that she had some divine intervention or something to do this to any member of her church; however, Lee didn't see that I never was officially a member of the church.

I'm never going to marry Lee- that's my conclusion.