Thursday, May 31, 2012

Interesting Things

I guess there are great products out there but because of the economy people cannot really afford some of them from not having a job. It's pretty sad that even with a strong attitude and passion towards earning a type of living, there are a pretty good amount of people who are still being left out. What I'm trying to get the reader to perceive is that sometimes a person close to you such as a parent or spouse won't make you feel accepted if you've found a dead end and can't get anywhere in life anywhere. This could happen from having become buried in despair or with deep regret in life and then just lollygagging around- I guess it's a form of miscommunication with loved ones and being a litte sick at heart. One of my close friends is facing divorce because he lacks an occupation and has made his wife feel distant from him.

When times are rough in current situations and your skills don't meet up to any dream payroll then a logical thing would be to obtain any occupation that you can satisfactorily perform. There's nothing to lose if you're currently single, so becoming gung ho all of a sudden and leaving home to do a job off-state sometimes would be a totally acceptable reason. It would even make sense to rekindle any romance with the spouse and then from having a lack of money to pay bills to leave home for awhile and send money back home while working.

Getting to the topic, I came across some really interesting life-promoting products. There's a product that is well-reknown and created by a brilliant doctor who managed to find natural ingredients to cause the liver to produce anti-oxidants on its own and help fight against the body's anti-aging elements. It's called procadium, and I think that is really cool from having been featured on prime-time investigative news reports seven years ago and now being studied by different colleges. There is also an extremely healthy water source that is absent of acidity and performs detox on the body; it is a product used by the Yankees and Dodgers- it is called kangen water. There are also patches that help the body to naturally perform better and reduce pain by opening up energy channels similar to getting an acupunture- these products are used in racing horses and have helped some horse owners win races. It is created by a company called LifeWave. Honestly, I'm benefitting myself through writing about this. Also there's a book on getting taller and I grew permanently a half-an-inch after applying the program for six months. I'm going to continue to try the program- I sort of let go of the thought in getting any more taller because I felt that being short didn't matter but I might as well make myself a little bit more taller for a cosmetic feel to it and because I just can.