Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

Obviously today was a very long day because I got to have some fun with a buddy and another female and her sister with boyfriend. It made things a lot more funner today and pretty much less awkward during most situations. I was sort of laughing and having a good time throughout our day's festival. The female I hung out with me ended up being a normal girl- I really appreciate the fact that she is really honest and pretty open about herself. It really helps me out in getting to know what girls are sort of like in general. I pretty much accept her as a good friend who has feelings that can get hurt sometimes and how she really likes to feel appreciated for her efforts. One of these boneheaded and arrogant intellectuals told me once that church was about clapping hands and feeling special- I understand the joke now but apparently, just the idea of feeling that warm, cuddly feeling isn't something women always like to shut themselves off to.

From working at achieving my current goals which is to pretty much square away and making some progress at it which is pretty much long-term, I am pretty much gaining better grounds of learning how to be satisfied with what I have to work with. I mean now things are a lot different, and I'm more open to sharing my honesty with people; in a way, it just shows that I care enough to even tell them about what's cooking with me in a blunt manner. It feels good to be myself like that, and I would pretty much encourage everyone to be honest as much as possible, so it would mean to work on being a more moral person in a way of being a people's person kind of man or woman if possible. Everyday I feel possibilities that I might never receive a phone call again from a person who I got along well with for any reason, but I continue to follow this honest pattern of living; it's had pretty good results for me. Honestly, I can accept being rejected in subtle or major ways now by a person without feeling so incredibly angry or depressed anymore. According to my beliefs, I believe that the only one entity that would never reject a man but leave it entirely to man alone is in the spirit of Christ according to the original Hebrew/Greek Bible.