Saturday, May 12, 2012

Really Exciting To Approach The Finish Line

With some difficult trials like what I'm going through, one being how I'm really far away from home and living on my own, it's really nice to know that I'm enjoying a pretty cushioned job right now and even though my personal advancements have felt moderately slow; it's so cool that I have gained some experience in how to be a disciplined person.

Through discipline and having a good source of encouragement coming from placing faith in something greater than myself, I've noticed some positive changes in my life. Along with being able to laugh about stuff that used to bother me, I see things at a perspective which could be helpful and objective. I was pretty much screaming like a girl in glee by yelling "Whoo!" It was like a female who drove past us who were a bunch of guys coming back from the gym and screamed the same thing at us last night.

It just feels good to know that I'm moving on and qualified for some job that's boring but who cares because I know that in the long run, I could pick up something better and for now I'm pretty squared away with some stability. I'm just looking at stuff at a natural preference now and believe me, I'm about put this intuition to the test by messing around with those church people who thought they could rightfully give me a hard time. I'm not really retaliating against them but using the full truth to laugh at their face and possibly hurt their feelings and I really don't care about their feelings by pointing out the truth of their failures and personal disappointments. I'll be a good sport about it and assist them in a moral and truthful manner without literally trying to bomb their social life. With me laughing hard about them, I don't think it will be that difficult for me to comprehend their stupid moments and not get angry with them.