Monday, July 16, 2012

Still Some Mischievous Behavior With Myself

When I'm by myself and no one is looking, it gets really easy for me to think about how I'm going to get away with some things when no one is there to keep me accountable. Getting lost in that moment of thought translates into a really impulsive and stupid behavior that results in me regretting it over and over again. Even if there are some negative things about me, at least I can try to work it out with others if they have the same problem that bugs me.

No matter how frustrated or incited with great anger I want to become, I'm dedicated to end up doing the right thing and living a pleasing life to serve others and also enjoy life. A guy told me that it's not all about waiting for the right moment with something but what you do today to reward yourself. Obviously, there are a lot of weak minds out there and from even saying a hint of truth to them, it's going to hurt their feelings. I think it's a permissible thing to do to help them out even if they can only complain about how it hurts and not be able to fully elaborate on details about how the person is accurate in describing the whining person's poor lifestyle and attitude.

Overall, I've learned that it takes a lot of bravery to defend the truth, and I'm not going to blackmail anybody for getting something I want to lust after. I'm just going to let it spill and regardless of what happens to me, there's a clear motive which will be deterring for anyone to do something bad to me even if the person turns crazy. Basically, I'm never going to screw anyone up over lies; even if I end up taking the blame or fall, I'm just going to do the moral thing found on the pages of the Bible. Even if I get so hurt over a decision that's life changing for me, if it's the best and moral thing to do, I personally accept the sacrifice now because this is the type of person I so wish to be.