Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Having Some Fun With Peers

Looks like I might have found a pretty good person to settle down with now. I mean she seems pretty laid back when she hangs out with me. Also, I've heard that people in her ethnicity have some issues of being the dominant person. I haven't really experienced it from her, so I guess down the line I'll be getting to know more about her closely. So far, I think she could provide a fair amount of balance in my life because from being a really physical and aggressive dude, having a delicate wife like her to look out for could help define some meaning in my life. I've noticed her being a really dominant person with my other buddy, but she doesn't really do that to me.

In the past, I was really attracted to this one pretty insane woman and thank God that I really didn't do something irresponsible with her if people know what I mean. She's not really that good looking anymore as I thought she was. Also, it was a weird feeling because when I was around her, I felt like not doing anything and then when I was away from her, I would think about being close to her. Man, those were some frustrating emotions for me to deal with. Along with her seeming to be not that giving of a person, I was immediately turned off each time those feelings sparked up. It was so hard to manage without getting angry, but now I can gladly state that I don't have any grudge with her and moving on.

I guess I'm now the type who can handle grudges really well and let them go when I feel angry about something. I might sometimes be in a weak state but in those situations it's like I wouldn't hold anything against anybody if they kept on making fun of me. I guess that's where maturity comes into play and a little banter arising out of just wanting to be playful isn't really that bad even if the statements feel a little racist or hurtful.